LINDNER’s MICROMAT series includes stationary shredders for the shredding of, mainly, paper, hard plastics, and thin plastics (film) but also for secure data destruction applications. However, as the term “universal” suggests, many more materials and applications can be considered.

Main features:  Like all the universal shredders of LINDNER, the cutting system consists of a single shaft, with square cutting tools along the shaft and is powered by an asynchronous electric motor. LINDNER has recently introduced a new cutting system (multiplex rotor) for plastic recycling applications.


Model Weight Cutting System Length Power
    For HP Version
12Tn ~1500mm 1X90kW
MICROMAT 2000 14Tn ~2000mm 1X132kW
MICROMAT 2500 16Tn ~2500mm 1x160kW

MICROMAT shredders come in two versions, the standard and the HP, which has a different power transmission system, operates in higher rpm and is primarily targeted towards plastics recycling applications.

The production capacity of the various models depends on the type and specification of the input materials.

For more detailed information, you may visit the manufacturer’s website: https://www.lindner.com/micromat and https://www.lindner.com/micromat-hp


  • For universal shredding applications, there are also the UNIVERSO and ANTARES series models.

  • For final shredding applications, the KOMET series models might be preferable.

TEREC’s experienced sales staff will assist you to the right choice of model and cutting system, as well as the estimation of its true production potential.